Famous Personalities you didn't know were vegan

Veganism has been a growing trend recently, as people are realizing and accepting the numerous benefits it has to offer. A lot of famous personalities have quit meat and other dairy products for the sake of animal welfare and its environmental benefits. The list will actually come as a surprise to many as it consists of one of the most loved movie stars in Hollywood and the best sports players.

This can be an inspiration for many of us who are planning to tread this path in the future. The list goes as follows:

1. Joaquin Phoenix a.k.a Joker:
Joaquin Phoenix who is best known for his role as Joker in the movie Joker(2019), has been a vegan since the age of three.
He is an animal rights activist and was declared as PETA Person of the Year in 2019. This gives us all an additional reason to love him. He is setting an example for the whole world. 

2. Greta Thunberg :
Greta Thunberg is a young Swedish environmental activist. She has been an inspiration for many. She started the movement - School Strike for climate , and has even been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize. Her enthusiasm to save the environment has actually put a lot of world leaders in check. She was very young when she started protesting outside her school to pull the attention of world leaders on climate change. Last year she declared to become vegan for the sake of saving the planet.

3. Arnold Schwarenegger:

The man known for his role in Terminator , and for his Hulk body , is vegan. To the surprise of many people , he actually swears by almond milk and vegetables to keep him powered through the day.
This man is an idol for sports enthusiasts as he can maintain his muscular body on a plant based diet. If he can do it, so can you. He even starred in the Netflix movie - The Game Changers , where he talks about his journey from being a beef lover to eating only plant based products.

4. Natalie Portman :

She is known for her roles in Thor and Black Swan. She has been vegan for eight years now, even her kids are vegan . She also produced a movie "Eating Animals" which highlights the side effects of livestock agriculture, and how it is harming animals .

5. Fabian Delph:

All football fans know this one - Fabian Delph : He is known to have made massive improvements in his performance as an athlete. He switched to being a vegan in 2017 and has been responsible for bringing great success to Manchester City. If you love playing sports then going vegan could improve your performance in the game too.

6. Lionel Messi:

This man needs no introduction. Lionel Messi discarded all meat from his plate to perform better as a footballer for the world cup. Although he isn't completely vegan, he ensures to be one during each and every football season. Veganism even in the short term can improve stamina and performance. It can lead to better overall fitness for the body.


  1. Even in Gita Krishna says to be vegan. But vegan take almond milk, it's very expensive, do we have an alternate to it

    1. Yes almond milk is quite heavy for the body and expensive. A good substitute is soy milk


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