How to become a vegan? Do's & Don'ts

Veganism is the new growing trend in the world today. This is evident from the sprouting up lots of vegan restaurants in town, stores selling purely vegan products , and substitutes of chocolates , peanut butter , milk with vegan products. So, veganism is here to stay and will keep only keep growing.
In a small Indian town like mine, I was surprised to find Soy Milk, Tofu , Coconut Water. If stores are selling , means people are buying , and the demand is building.

                                          Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash

So , here are the things you cannot do as a vegan:

1. Don't consume any dairy products :
The main difference between a vegan and vegetarian is consumption of dairy products. So refrain from any yogurt, milk, cheese , chocolates , butter. And not just directly , the idea is to not consume them indirectly either.

2. Ciao to Chocolates, cakes and ice creams :
Most chocolate brands are made of butter and milk, similar is the case with cakes, pastries, coffee at your favorite cafe, and ice cream.

3. Animal Products : 
Veganism is not just a diet change, its the transformation of your whole lifestyle. Vegans do not endorse use of animal in any way. So next time you go shopping - make sure you avoid purchasing any leather bags, wallets , shoes , phone cases etc. Other items to look out for are fur, ivory, snake/crocodile skin, silk or wool.

4. Sea food :
A lot of people don't consider sea-food a part of a completely non-vegetarian diet. However, vegans don't harm any kind of animal/fish/birds. Thus, eating a can of tuna , or a prawn salad cannot be a part of your diet.

5. Use body butter or soaps made with milk:
There is a wide usage of goat milk while manufacturing hand made soaps today. A lot of body butter and skin care products are made using milk too. So, look out for these products when shopping.

6. Endorse zoos and circuses which use animals:
Often a lot of circuses , plays and zoos use animals as a form of entertainment and extraction of money. The key is to avoid visiting such places as a vegan would never endorse such mistreatment met to these animals.

Do's as a vegan:

1. Alcohol Consumption:
if you a wine lover or love to go out and grab a beer every weekend. Go ahead! No body is stopping you from partying and drinking up. Alcohol is mostly produced from fermentation of grapes or grains, and is completely vegan.

2. Wear cotton , hemp , linen:
What we demand, will be produced. If vegans start wearing cotton, and other sustainable items of clothing, then production of silk, wool where animals are harmed or grazed would reduce.

3. Eat processed food:
Just because you are vegan doesn't mean you cannot grab a bag of chips, or eat instant noodles late night.

4. Not tested on animals:
Look out for the label on cosmetics and check if they have been tested on animals. Many brands have been certified with a mark for not being tested on animals. Use such brands only. Also, a lot of vegans are making their own creams & lotions. You can try it too.

5. Visit National Parks, Biospheres & Wildlife sanctuaries:
The aim of these sanctuaries is to protect the flora and fauna within their natural habitat. So, these animals are actually being protected from human invasion or poaching, and allow visitors to view them from a distance.

These basic steps will clarify a lot of doubts about what you can and cannot do as a vegan.
If there are more questions please ask them in the comments section.
